Hello there!
In case you’re new to this collection of scribblings, let me introduce myself. I’m Harman Hoetink, this website’s human in residence. I live near Amsterdam with my beautiful wife, two rather tall teenage sons and a happily off-kilter chocolate Lab.
By day, I’m a copywriter, translator and copy editor; by night, I like to get some sleep. In between, I happily divide my time between writing, reading, cooking, walking the dog and generally pondering the State of the Universe. Preferably together with friends over a nice meal, or just a cup of tea.
Oh, and I am also the founder of the International Association of Dutch-Dominican Color-blind Sesquipulmonalists. Current membership count: one. (Note to self: at some point I need to write something to explain what this actually means.)
Bill of Fare
On this site, you’ll find an eclectic serving of food for thought. Some of it is serious, some of it is fanciful; sometimes the main ingredient is contemplation, sometimes imagination.
There are musings on the human condition, with topics ranging from philosophy and science to culture and history, from art and psychology to parenting and skepticism.
Also, there is poetry and fiction here, because even imperfect stories matter. Between adolescence and middle age, I took a long break from telling stories. Now I am making good on a promise I made myself long ago.
I hope you’ll enjoy the scribblings you find here.
In general, this website is my invitation to you to join me in trying to say something sensible about what is means to be a human being, how to discover and understand the world we inhabit, and how to find our way through life.
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