The cheery image of humanity projected by social media selfies isn’t an attempt to fool us into believing in the contentment myth; it’s how we want to see ourselves.
The film clearly oozes attention to detail and is well-crafted and intelligent, with outstanding special effects and excellent performances all round. But once the end credits started rolling, my sons’ gut reaction was, “What the hell kind of weirdo movie was that?!”
There is a whole host of perfectly acceptable dead people whom you never knew and who can still be of service. They are the artists and philosophers, scientists and visionaries whose presence is still felt long past their due date.
The nerd-baptism of watching a new Star Wars movie for the first time is, to quote a certain Supreme Leader, “something truly special.” The anticipation, the chills, that stirring feeling in your gut… there’s nothing else like it.
The notion that things “happen for a reason” is a powerful idea. It is also a dangerous one. The concept of “agency” is so central to our understanding of ourselves and our world that we apply it even where there is no agency to be found.